Sunday, November 4, 2007

Finally, I can spill my mental clutter

This blog is finally here not only because I need it to keep me less insane, but also b/c my friend Trish told me she would start nagging me if I didn't do it. Well, I don't suffer nags gladly, so I went ahead and got busy. I won't always write much, but when I do, you can bet it will be something useless and trivial that you can carry with you all day like a bad song from the '80's that sticks in your head (try Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go). Sorry, I dare you not to picture the video. Anyway, here's one little snippet I've been wanting to share: I go to the local Army hospital for my medical care (BAMC) here in San Antonio. Outside the building, they have a few of these little glassed-in (actually, smoked-glass) cubicles probably equipped with hard plastic benches and a lot of exhaust fans. They are called the "smoke shacks" where all the poor nicotine addicts have to gather and try to hide their scarlet (actually, more like a Marlboro Red color) letters of cigarette shame. So anyway, I'm in a clinic at BAMC when I hear over the intercom, I kid you not, "Code Blue in the North Smoke Shack, Code Blue in the North Smoke Shack" Sure, it was a sad day for Code Blue dude, but for everyone else, it was effing hilarious.


Kathi Holzschuher said...

Well Lord help us....Jill has an outlet!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Jill- this is great! finally a receptacle... i mean repository, for all of your musings. :-) i'll leave out the standard remark about hoping your new postings appear with more frequency than your emails in my inbox (or written letters in my mailbox, back in the earlier epochs of the Quaternary)...oh shoot- saying i'll leave out the remark causes me to include the remark so that we know what i've left out- any way out of this quandry? (don't know what came over me with the recent surfeit of Q-words- peculiar, isn't it- or should i say queer?)
if you create an Archives section let me know, and i'll start the A-D conversion of the shoebox full of letters i have from you in your formative years before your satire, sarcasm and wit were fully honed by the whetstone of life.
in the meantime, i'm expecting great things from this site- among other things, i envision you appearing on Hannity and Colmes as the blogger who Swiftboated hillary's presidential run!
cheers, and write on!

Anonymous said...

I'm a star!!!

Anonymous said...

Suggestion from the peanut gallery- perhaps under "warnings" you should mention something about the possability of pissing your pants while reading this blog.

Anonymous said...

by the way, i immediately bookmarked this site, which list i have organized in order of importance in life. Exquisite Drivel comes just after the top listing (Formula One home page) still, but it's ahead of Ann Coulter, and that's saying something!