Saturday, November 10, 2007

Some of My Theme Songs Have Been Added

I just went thru all kinds of computer triple round-off back flips while juggling flaming chainsaws and cartwheeling thru razorwired hoops to put these songs here for your listening pleasure. I hope you like them, and if you don't, change the channel and go listen to some mellow mainstream soft rock. I'll try to add other offbeat stuff as the mood strikes me. Btw, Where Was I isn't really a theme song, I just like it b/c it is really depressing. (Not Seasons in the Sun depressing, don't worry.) I also added the greatest Christmas song ever. Hilarious. A Texas classic. And I had to add an Eva Cassidy song b/c I think she had the most beautiful voice on Earth. Look up her story. It's a sad one. And then I had to throw in some Van Morrison. These are the Days just makes my heart ache. LOVE it. If you haven't noticed, music is huge for me. Especially stuff that gets me all hysterical one way or another. As if I need any help there. Speaking of hysteria, I'm taking Katy to see Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus tonight (Mon. 11/12/07). I'm sure you'll get a full report soon, but I won't be posting any of her songs.

1 comment:

Christy said...

I LOVE the "I wish I was a punk rocker" song!! Some random person turned me onto Sandi Thom...good stuff, Miss Jill :)