Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Just give me the rest of the week

I have about a 2-inch high pile (or it would be a pile if I were to gather them in one place) of random thoughts scribbled on receipts, napkins, junk mail, my Hello Kitty notepad, neon post-its, expired coupons, and my left hand just screaming to be heard. The kids just went back to school on Monday, so I am catching up big time this week, including writing a brief that is due Friday, which means I really must finish it today (Wed.) After I get it done, I will definitely need to exercise my creative side--not that lawyering isn't creative, especially with some of the cases I take. This place is my refuge and my rejuvenator (didn't mean to make that sound like a warm, fuzzy, cheesy attempt at poetry) so I will have to take comfort here again very soon--if only to be able to trash the paper scraps that adorn my desk like so much spent confetti. Better there than in my head. But better here than on my desk. So be back asap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dudette ~ get off your freakin' blog and get some sheeeeet done so we can go party this weekend!!